Friday, January 23, 2009

Self-study: Clues to present in public

You are going to have a presentation in public? I will have one on Tuesday next week with the subject: Globalisation. You should remember:
- You always have the audience with you, they stand besides you. Listeners will forgive you if you make mistakes in your presentation.
- You should remain eye contacts with the audience and get audience involved.

There are some following clues for you:
1. Remember to do:
- Speak loudly enough and use visual material to make sure every listeners can hear you and follow your presentation.
- You can ask question.
- You sometimes ask the audience whether you need explain something with them, it is a good signal.
- Joking is good and useful.
- Keep you smiling.
2. Remember not to do:
- Vulgar and inappropriate humour,
- Swearing and blasphemy,
- Telling weak jokes and laughing out loud at them,
- Appear to be bored or otherwise, show disrespedt to listeners,
- Overstay your welcome or talk too much.
3. Structure of presentation:
- 10% - 20% introduction,
- 60% - 80% main body,
- 10% - 20% conclusion or summary.
4. Preparation:
- Prepare the content of presentation,
- Practice once at least.
- Prepare Visual aids;
- Check grammar and spelling.
- Keep youself calm, walk, point at things, speek and do things in natural ways.
- Time for questions at the end of presentation.

Steps to write an essay

- Analysing the essay question;
- Carrying out a research for sources of information;
- Read/listen and take notes in your own words;
- Planing the essay;
- Rewriting the essay by editting and proofreading it;
- Submiting the final draft of the essay.

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